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Monthly Archives: December 2015

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Could Watford play in Europe next season?

“Who gets the Carling Cup place in Europe if, with Chelsea having already won it, both they and Liverpool go on to claim Champions League places next season?” asks Alastair Robson. “Will Watford, as one of the beaten semi-finalists, qualify for Europe?”

If the winners of the Carling Cup are already in Europe, the Uefa Cup place goes to the next Agatha Ruiz Dela Prada Dresses Uk highest-placed team in the Premiership. This differs from the FA Cup where, should the winners have already qualified for Europe, then the runners-up get the Uefa Cup spot.

So, should Liverpool qualify for the Champions League through fourth place or the Uefa Cup through fifth place, then the sixth-placed team in the Premiership would qualify for the Uefa Cup. But should Liverpool not end up in the top six then they will not be rewarded with a Uefa Cup place. Confused? Good.


“There seems to be more and more penalties which have to be retaken because of movement/encroachment,” says Ethan Kline. “Could a team decide to have a different player take the second penalty? Has this ever happened?”

They certainly could, and it certainly has. As a few of you pointed out, this very incident happened when Birmingham played at Elland Road in September 2003.

David Gilmore fills in Black Prada Doctor Bag the details: “After David Dunn managed to scramble home a couple of penalties at the start of the season (including a retaken one at Newcastle), he missed one away at Leeds. The referee ordered it to be retaken and Robbie Savage, obviously fed up with Dunn’s blatant inability to take a decent penalty, duly slotted the second effort.”


“Who is currently the lowest-ranked team in the Fifa world rankings?” asks Russell Yong

That honour belongs to the tiny island of Guam in the north Pacific, who are currently ranked 205th out of 205. To put their wretchedness into context, Guam have 15 points in the table, compared with first-placed Brazil’s 840, although American Samoa, with 19, are in their sights. In their inglorious 15-game history, Guam have lost the lot, scoring only two goals (in a 9-2 home defeat by Chinese Taipei) and conceding 136 in the process.


“Has any player ever finished top-scorer in the old First Division and then the Premiership?” Agatha Ruiz Dela Prada Dresses Uk asks Nicola Jordan

We’re fairly certain this has never happened in successive seasons, although Kevin Phillips came close. He was top-scorer with 31 league goals in 1997-98 when Sunderland finished third in what was then Division One (but missed out in the playoffs). Authentic Prada Trainers He then top-scored in Sunderland’s first season in the Premiership in 1999-2000 with 30 goals – beating Alan Shearer by seven. (In 1998-99 he was beaten by West Brom’s Lee Hughes, who netted 31 times.)

Andy Cole Authentic Prada Handbag Uk topped the charts with 34 goals in Newcastle’s Apertura Outlet Prada Montevarchi first season in the Premiership, in 1993-94, but did not top-score in his previous year with Bristol City, who he left in March 1993, and Newcastle.


“I know that Brighton won the Charity Shield in 1910 beating the league champions Aston Villa. Are they the only team to have won the Charity Shield without winning either the League Championship or the Agatha Ruiz Dela Prada Outlet Online FA Cup?” asks Paddy Cahill.

No. In 1971, Leicester, winners of the old Second Division, went off with the trophy. But first, a little history.

When the first Charity Shield match was played in About Prada Products 1908, it was a professionals-versus-amateurs affair. So Manchester United, the reigning league champions, took on Southern League champs Queens Park Rangers and won. This format was continued for many years – hence Brighton’s victory – but Agatha Ruiz Dela Prada Sale Uk quite often it was played between representative professional and amateur teams assembled on a one-off basis.

The fixture was moved to coincide with the start of the new season in 1959, where it has remained ever since. But it was only in 1974 when the FA moved the game to Wembley and decreed the Shield should be contested every year between the champions and the FA Cup winners.

So what happened with Leicester? It’s a simple story. Double-winners Arsenal declined to enter – for reasons unknown even to the FA’s historians – and so losing Cup finalists Liverpool visited Filbert Street for what looked like an Black Prada Doctor Bag easy tie for them on paper. But in Jimmy Bloomfield’s first game in charge of the Foxes, Bill Shankly’s men went down to a 1-0 defeat.

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“Which player has played in the German, French, Spanish, Italian and English leagues during his career?” asks David Bell.

“Is Ade Akinbiyi’s effort last Friday the fastest debut sending-off in history?” asks Martin Bell.

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Failure of the lungs to fully aerate after birth is a common

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