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Pop Rocks isn’t even ice cream. What a fucko I was. But my first ice cream love from the white, rusty truck was the Screwball (yup, Regular Type). Get daily updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailIt was a day to remember for the Black and White Army as they invaded Hampden and conquered Hearts.Around 15,000 St Mirren supporters were at the National Stadium to witness the Buddies making history.Face painted fans dressed as pandas, kilted Buddies danced a jig of joy and youngsters donned floppy jester hats in a spectacular show of support for the Paisley team.Iain Hutchison sported a black and white goatee beard, as well as a special Mohican hairdo, in honour of the Buddies.”It’s a special day for St Mirren fans,” said Iain, from Paisley. “My son and daughter in law are here with me and he described it as the best day of his life.”Mind you, when his wife heard that, she wasn’t too pleased. She reckons that honour should go to their wedding day!”Nine year old Lewis Johnston brought along a replica of the League Cup trophy to hold aloft.He said: “It means the world to be here because St Mirren don’t get to many cup finals.”The big day out was a family affair for the Young clan, with dad Graham and mum Karen bringing six year old Blair and four year old Rory to the party.Karen, from Paisley, said: “I’m over the moon.

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