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In my experience, this trap is especially easy for tech savvy marketers to fall into, and especially easy for the non socially adept to get trapped in. But the reality is that in person meetings, lunches, events, and so forth have two very important qualities that tweets, videos, and the like lack: intimacy and strength. They are intimate because sitting right next to someone is a very emotional act, and they are strong because the power of in person word of mouth is much greater than that of online, or hearing something in a radio or TV interview.

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Cassie Sainsbury was a ‘prostitute in Sydney and lied. Brian May reveals how Freddie Mercury’s AIDS battle cost. Oxford student dubbed too clever to be jailed for. Flat in one of London’s most expensive squares where. George Michael’s lover Fadi Fawaz ‘demands a. SAS sniper ‘shot an ISIS jihadi dead from 1.5miles away’.

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