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Mon, 10th March 2025

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At 10:30 on the morning of May 20, he’d been looking directly at the 2,625 foot southern summit of Krakatau when the eruption began:”We saw from the island a white cumulus cloud, rising fast. The distribution of the ash fall would have been over an area at least as large as Germany.”Tremors continued, but the ash fall abated. Inhabitants of the East Indies had experienced many volcanic eruptions and were complacent about ground movements, which were more common there than almost anywhere on Earth.

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3d vr headset MP Hone Harawira is blaming racism and “rednecks” for the cancellation of a lecture he was to give at Auckland University last night.As a threatened protest of up to 170 students against “racial separatism” loomed, the law faculty cancelled the lecture organised by the Maori Law Students Association fearing a breach of the peace.It also cited a policy of not allowing lectures to be used as political platforms.The lecture 3d vr glasses, on the foreshore and seabed legislation, was relocated to the university marae, where the protesters were still planning to confront the Mana Party leader last night.Speaking at a Maori Expo hosted by the Auckland University of Technology yesterday, Mr Harawira blamed “rednecks” for the cancellation.”All of the rednecks at the university decided to create such a ruckus that the Law School cancelled it. In 2011, we’re still being pushed around.”He said divisions were bound to continue unless “we collectively step up and say, ‘Hell no, we won’t take that shit any longer’.”Afterwards he told journalists that Pakeha “right wing students” were going to disrupt the lecture.”I was disappointed but not surprised. A lot of people think racism is dead and buried but clearly it’s not 3d vr headset.

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